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- /********************************************************/
- /* C-manship, Listing 1 */
- /* ST-Log #25 */
- /* Developed with Megamax C */
- /********************************************************/
- #include <obdefs.h>
- #include <gemdefs.h>
- #define TRUE 1
- #define FALSE 0
- #define SOLID 1
- #define PATTERN 2
- #define LEFT 1
- #define RIGHT 2
- /* GEM arrays */
- int work_in[11], work_out[57], contrl[12], intin[128],
- ptsin[128], intout[128], ptsout[128];
- int handle, /* Application handle. */
- dum; /* Dummy storage. */
- /******************************************************
- * Main program.
- ******************************************************/
- main ()
- {
- appl_init (); /* Init application. */
- open_vwork (); /* Open virtual workstation. */
- do_box (); /* Go do our thing. */
- v_clsvwk ( handle ); /* Close virtual workstation.*/
- appl_exit (); /* Back to the desktop. */
- }
- /******************************************************
- * do_box ()
- *
- * Calls screen setup function and handles the mouse,
- * calling the appropriate box functions based on the
- * mouse's coordinates and button state.
- ******************************************************/
- do_box ()
- {
- int mouse_x, /* Mouse X coordinate. */
- mouse_y, /* Mouse Y coordinate. */
- mouse_but, /* Mouse button state. */
- box_x, /* Selected box X coord. */
- box_y, /* Selected box Y coord. */
- box_width, /* Selected width of box. */
- box_height, /* Selected height of box. */
- exit, /* Program exit flag. */
- coords_ok; /* Proper coordinates flag.*/
- setup_scrn ();
- coords_ok = FALSE;
- graf_mouse ( ARROW, 0L );
- /* Wait for box coordinates within the boundary. */
- while ( !coords_ok ) {
- /* Poll for left button press. */
- mouse_but = 0;
- while ( mouse_but != LEFT )
- graf_mkstate ( &mouse_x, &mouse_y, &mouse_but, &dum );
- /* Get coordinates for the box. */
- box_x = mouse_x;
- box_y = mouse_y;
- graf_rubberbox ( box_x, box_y, 20, 20, &box_width, &box_height );
- /* Allow only a box whose size fits within the */
- /* boundary to be drawn. */
- if ( box_x > 20 && box_x + box_width < work_out[0]-21 &&
- box_y > 20 && box_y + box_height < work_out[1]-21 ) {
- draw_box ( box_x, box_y, box_width, box_height );
- coords_ok = TRUE;
- }
- }
- exit = FALSE;
- while ( !exit ) {
- mouse_but = 0;
- /* Wait for press of left or right mouse button. */
- while ( mouse_but != LEFT && mouse_but != RIGHT )
- graf_mkstate ( &mouse_x, &mouse_y, &mouse_but, &dum );
- if ( mouse_but == LEFT )
- /* If the mouse was on the sizing button, */
- /* allow the user to resize the box. */
- if ( chose_size ( mouse_x, mouse_y, box_x, box_y,
- box_width, box_height ) )
- size_box ( box_x, box_y, &box_width, &box_height );
- /* If the mouse was anywhere else in the */
- /* box, allow the user to move the box. */
- else if ( chose_move ( mouse_x, mouse_y, box_x, box_y,
- box_width, box_height ) )
- move_box ( &box_x, &box_y, box_width, box_height );
- if ( mouse_but == RIGHT )
- exit = TRUE;
- }
- }
- /******************************************************
- * draw_box ()
- *
- * Draws a shaded box with a button in the lower right
- * corner. The input is the X and Y coordinates of
- * the box's upper left corner and its width and height.
- ******************************************************/
- draw_box ( x, y, w, h )
- int x, y, w, h;
- {
- int pxy[4];
- graf_mouse ( M_OFF, 0L );
- /* Draw the main body of the box. */
- vsf_interior ( handle, PATTERN );
- vsf_style ( handle, 5 );
- vsf_color ( handle, BLACK );
- pxy[0] = x;
- pxy[1] = y;
- pxy[2] = x + w - 1;
- pxy[3] = y + h - 1;
- v_bar ( handle, pxy );
- /* Draw the box's sizing button. */
- vsf_interior ( handle, SOLID );
- pxy[0] = x + w - 10;
- pxy[1] = y + h - 10;
- v_bar ( handle, pxy );
- graf_mouse ( M_ON, 0L );
- }
- /******************************************************
- * size_box ()
- *
- * Resizes a box. The input is the X and Y coordinates
- * of the box and pointers to its width and height. The
- * function returns the new width and height by way
- * of the pointers, thus replacing the old values of
- * the width and height.
- ******************************************************/
- size_box ( x, y, w, h )
- int x, y, *w, *h;
- {
- int old_w, old_h;
- int pxy[4];
- old_w = *w;
- old_h = *h;
- /* Get the new box size. */
- graf_rubberbox ( x, y, 20, 20, w, h );
- /* Don't allow the new box to exceed the boundary. */
- if ( x + *w > work_out[0]-20 | y + *h > work_out[1]-20 ) {
- *w = old_w;
- *h = old_h;
- }
- /* If the size is okay, draw the box. */
- else {
- draw_box ( x, y, *w, *h );
- /* Erase the leftover portions (if */
- /* any) of the old box. */
- graf_mouse ( M_OFF, 0L );
- vsf_interior ( handle, SOLID );
- vsf_color ( handle, WHITE );
- if ( *w < old_w ) {
- pxy[0] = x + *w;
- pxy[1] = y;
- pxy[2] = x + old_w - 1;
- pxy[3] = y + old_h - 1;
- v_bar ( handle, pxy );
- }
- if ( *h < old_h ) {
- pxy[0] = x;
- pxy[1] = y + *h;
- pxy[2] = x + old_w - 1;
- pxy[3] = y + old_h - 1;
- v_bar ( handle, pxy );
- }
- graf_mouse ( M_ON, 0L );
- }
- }
- /******************************************************
- * move_box ()
- *
- * Repositions a box. The input is a pointer to the
- * box's X coord., a pointer to the box's Y coord., and
- * the box's width and height. The new X and Y
- * coordinates are returned from the function by way of
- * the pointers, thus replacing the old X and Y values.
- ******************************************************/
- move_box ( x, y, w, h )
- int *x, *y, w, h;
- {
- int old_x, old_y;
- int pxy[4];
- old_x = *x;
- old_y = *y;
- graf_mouse ( FLAT_HAND, 0L );
- /* Get new location for the box. */
- graf_dragbox ( w, h, *x, *y, 21, 21,
- work_out[0]-41, work_out[1]-41, x, y );
- /* Erase the old box. */
- graf_mouse ( M_OFF, 0L );
- vsf_color ( handle, WHITE );
- vsf_interior ( handle, SOLID );
- pxy[0] = old_x;
- pxy[1] = old_y;
- pxy[2] = old_x + w - 1;
- pxy[3] = old_y + h - 1;
- v_bar ( handle, pxy );
- /* Draw the new box. */
- draw_box ( *x, *y, w, h );
- graf_mouse ( M_ON, 0L );
- graf_mouse ( ARROW, 0L );
- }
- /******************************************************
- * chose_size ()
- *
- * Returns a boolean value based on whether the mouse
- * button was pressed while over the box's sizing
- * button. The input is the X and Y coordinates of
- * the mouse, the X and Y coordinates of the box, and
- * the width and height of the box.
- ******************************************************/
- chose_size ( mx, my, bx, by, bw, bh )
- int mx, my, bx, by, bw, bh;
- {
- if ( mx>bx+bw-10 && mx<bx+bw && my>by+bh-10 && my<by+bh )
- return ( TRUE );
- else
- return ( FALSE );
- }
- /******************************************************
- * chose_move ()
- *
- * Returns a boolean value based on whether the mouse
- * button was pressed while over an area of the box
- * other than the sizing button. The input is the X
- * and Y coordinates of the mouse, the X and Y
- * coordinates of the box, and the width and height of
- * the box.
- ******************************************************/
- chose_move ( mx, my, bx, by, bw, bh )
- int mx, my, bx, by, bw, bh;
- {
- if ( mx>bx && mx<bx+bw && my>by && my<by+bh )
- return ( TRUE );
- else
- return ( FALSE );
- }
- /******************************************************
- * setup_scrn ()
- *
- * Prepares the screen by clearing the workstation and
- * drawing a border.
- ******************************************************/
- setup_scrn ()
- {
- int pxy[10];
- graf_mouse ( M_OFF, 0L );
- /* Erase the screen. */
- v_clrwk ( handle );
- /* Draw the border. */
- pxy[0] = 20;
- pxy[1] = 20;
- pxy[2] = work_out[0] - 20;
- pxy[3] = 20;
- pxy[4] = work_out[0] - 20;
- pxy[5] = work_out[1] - 20;
- pxy[6] = 20;
- pxy[7] = work_out[1] - 20;
- pxy[8] = 20;
- pxy[9] = 20;
- v_pline ( handle, 5, pxy );
- graf_mouse ( M_ON, 0L );
- }
- /*****************************************************
- * open_vwork ()
- * Opens a virtual workstation.
- *****************************************************/
- open_vwork ()
- {
- int i;
- /* Get graphics handle, initialize the GEM arrays and open */
- /* a virtual workstation. */
- handle = graf_handle ( &dum, &dum, &dum, &dum);
- for ( i=0; i<10; work_in[i++] = 1 );
- work_in[10] = 2;
- v_opnvwk ( work_in, &handle, work_out );
- }